Educational Strategies

Overview | Problem Identification | Needs Assessment | Goals and Objectives
Educational Strategies | Implementation | Evaluation and Feedback


Educational Strategies

Online Asynchronous Resources: Third-Party
As our initial step in content development, resources relevant to established goals and objectives for each subject were linked to each content page. As many resources are provided both for content diversity and for additional subject exploration, a few particularly high-yield resources are linked separately at the top of each page that interns are expected to view prior to weekly conference.

Resources were drawn from across the broad and diverse FOAM community in addition to other online sources of educational content and encompass a multitude of formats, including:

  • Text-based (e.g. blogs, websites, checklists)
  • Video (e.g. lecture-style, real-world examples)
  • Images (e.g. diagrams, flowcharts, equipment and patient photos)
  • Primary Literature
  • Textbooks
  • Mobile Apps

Online Asynchronous Resources: Original Content
Plans to develop original content for each subject page is currently underway. The proposed format is a 5 to 10 minute video introduction to each subject that will explicitly cover each of the objectives for each subject. These videos will be added to or replace the current content in each "Prior to Conference" section of subject pages.

Flipped-Classroom Small Group Sessions
One of the primary motivations in developing an asynchronous online content curriculum (in addition to learner flexibility) was to free up time for interns to interact with faculty during weekly conference sessions. With this new model, small group design has been changed from a lecture-and-questions format to one of case-based discussions. Further development of the small group sessions is currently underway.

Providing a safe venue for interns to practice manual skills, managing to critically ill patients and refining real-time critical thinking skills will be an important component of our curriculum. Plans to expand the curriculum to incorporate monthly simulation sessions are currently underway.


Original Post by Eric Shappell on 12/07/2014
Last Updated by Eric Shappell on 12/09/2014