Goals and Objectives
- Resident will be comfortable with initial evaluation and basic management of trauma patients
Learning Objectives
- Resident will list and describe each step of the trauma primary survey
- Airway and c-spine protection
- Breathing and ventilation
- Circulation and hemorrhage control
- Disability
- Exposure
- Resident will list and describe potential procedures/interventions performed during the primary survey and their indications, including:
- Intubation
- Cricothyrotomy
- Chest tube insertion
- Thoracotomy
- Massive transfusion protocol
- Central venous access
- FAST exam
- Resident will be able to define and describe "damage control resuscitation"
- Resident will be able to describe the steps of the secondary survey
- Resident will be able to list "hard signs" for emergent operative management of each of the following:
- Head trauma
- Neck trauma, penetrating
- Thoracic trauma, blunt
- Thoracic trauma, penetrating
- Abdominal trauma, blunt
- Abdominal trauma, penetrating
- Pelvic trauma
- Extremity trauma
Recommended Resources
Prior to Conference
Additional Resources
Massive Transfusion
Head Trauma
Cervical Spine Trauma
Penetrating Neck Trauma
Blunt Thoracic Trauma
Penetrating Thoracic Trauma
Blunt Abdominal Trauma
Penetrating Abdominal Trauma
Pelvic and Genitourinary Trauma
Facial Trauma
Extremity Trauma
- Endotracheal Intubation
- Cricothyrotomy
- Needle Decompression of Chest
- Chest Tube Insertion
- Thoracotomy
- FAST Exam
- Central Venous Access